Gorjuss of Santoro

New Line Paola Reina dolls - Gorjuss of Santoro.
Why dolls Gorjuss of Santoro have no mouths and noses? There are some explanations of this.
Let’s look at their unusual faces. They have only two asymmetrical eyes like beads and pink cheeks. This image is easy to remember. May be it is a secret of the success?
There are also emotional and philosophical explanation why the dolls have not mouths and noses.
The doll reflects mood of her owner very easy. It gets all emotions of her owner and the doll will be on “one wave” with her forever. Watch the doll’s face. If you are sad the Gorjuss of Santoro will look at you sad too. If you have nice mood, the face of the doll looks at you with gladness.
This dolls are accepted how they are, but may be not too serious. You can draw nose and mouth to it, but it will be someone not Gorjuss of Santoro. Without the mouth and nose, you get to form your own opinion as a viewer with the help of the surroundings.
Also there is another explanation. Any dolls do not appear themselves. They get life with help imagination and will their creators. Many years ago dolls were dressed in national costume, but had not drawing faces. People believed the doll without face have no soul and evil spirit could not be inside it. So it was harmless for a child. It was not only a toy, it defense the child.