Monster High

Doll Monster High Core Clawdeen Day Out with accessories

Doll Monster High Skulltimate Secrets Fearidiscent Cleo De Nile

Doll Monster High Core Lagoona Blue Day Out with accessories

Doll Monster High Core Cleo De Nile Day Out with accessories

Doll Monster High Core Draculaura Day Out with accessories

Monster High Cresent

Monster High Waizit
Such extravagant and such cute cartoon characters - Monster High dolls are winning more and more little hearts around the world every day. What is the reason for such great popularity? Indeed, today, there is not a single child who would not watch this cartoon with rapture and would not dream of becoming the happy owner of a Monster High doll.
Perhaps many of you, seeing a Monster High doll with green skin or with fangs, will be horrified and decide that the world has completely gone crazy. But, the beast is not so terrible as it is painted. And if you look closely and delve into the world that reigns at the Monster High school, you can not only radically change your mind, but even fall in love with these fairy-tale characters. Moreover, the Monster High Clowdeen doll, Draculaura, Frankie Stein or any other doll from this series can be useful for the development of our children. How? To answer this question, it is enough to turn to the history of these heroes.
And now that the history of the Monster High school is known to everyone, we can talk about the benefits of these fabulous creatures.
Each Monster High doll is a bright personality with its own history, character and special talents. In none of the cartoon episodes, one can find either harshness, or violence, or any other things that are not intended for children's eyes. The animated series about the Monster High school itself is literally permeated with myths, legends, tales and legends. It is also worth noting that each Monster High doll is completely individual, a special and unique outfit is sewn for her, her complexion is different from others, her hair, hairstyle, head shape are not like dolls of the same series. And having put everything together - the uniqueness of the dolls themselves and their history, we can say that playing with these dolls, watching such cartoons, and being carried away by the Monster High collection, the child will not only not receive psychological trauma, but, on the contrary, will learn to compare facts, begin to study the story of dolls, developing your imagination and fantasy.
Monster High dolls are not just dolls, they are a whole world of incredible, educational and exciting adventures.